Sunday, July 8, 2012

Arabian Nite @EnergyFits Crew

awesome Belly having in Arabian Nite @ EnergyFits Crew. Together wif 2 sifus wif amazing steps and shimmey.. hootchy-kootchy!!..
BellyDance is kind of non-impact type of exercise and its suits for all ages.. espeacially for those dont wanna jump high due to knee pain, back pain etc etc..however, Its a good exercise for the prevention of osteoporosis in older people. many of the moves involve isolations, which improves flexibility of the torso. its moves are benefial to the spine, as the full body indulation moves lengthens (decompress) and strengthens the entire column of spinal and abdominal muscles in a gentle way.

Belly Tribal, Fusion, Contempt..Egypt, Lebanon, Turkish or whatever its name or whereever it comes from... its all are Belly and chimney.. shake2 all part of the body.. dancing in vail and wif beautiful and gorgeous eastern costumes.. yeah, its all can help to build strength in the upper body, arm and shoulders. the legs and long muscles of the back are strengthned by hip movements.. i do love to do this..

its AMAZING.. as a result, people always adore the shape of my body.. haha! dont be jealous ya! lets join us if u wish to have the same...